"Putting Marketers First!" Rory Brennan MMII




Privacy Policy

This statement relates to our privacy practices in connection with Marketing Career Recruitment Limited web site www.marketingcareerrecruitment.com . We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other websites. Any external links to other websites are clearly identifiable as such.
For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR ) effective May 2018 and the related legislation and regulations implementing these into Irish law from time to time, the Data Controller is Marketing Career Recruitment Limited, whose contact details are set out in 17. below.

1. General Statement
Marketing Career Recruitment Limited fully respects your right to privacy and are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Marketing Career Recruitment Limited will not collect or publish any personal information about you on our website without your permission. Any personal information which you volunteer will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, strictly in accordance with ( GDPR ).

2. Personal Data explained
Personal Data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ( Data Subject ) .
This Privacy Policy serves to:
 Inform you what Personal Data Marketing Career Recruitment Limited collects relating to you
 Inform you how Marketing Career Recruitment Limited uses, processes and handles your Personal Data
 Inform you how Marketing Career Recruitment protects your Personal Data against unauthorised or unlawful processing
 Inform you of your rights as a Data Subject
This Privacy Policy was most recently updated on 22/05/2018.

3. Collection and use of Personal Data the website
Marketing Career Recruitment Limited does not collect any Personal Data about you directly through this website.
The only way we collect your Personal Data is when you submit it to us via email, see section below.

4. Collection and use of Personal Data By Application
The only way Marketing Career Recruitment Limited collects your Personal Data is when you submit it to us via email application. This would usually be for job application purposes and would typically include your CV and personal details.
Any information which you provide in this way is not made available to any third parties without your permission and is used by Marketing Career Recruitment Limited only in line with the purpose for which you provided it.

By providing Marketing Career Recruitment Limited with your Personal Data you are consenting to us:

 To collect, store and process your Personal Data for recruitment purposes as outlined in the privacy policy
 To disclose your Personal Data to external parties as outlined in this Privacy Policy

If, in the past, you have provided us with Personal Data including your CV/Resume, and you no longer consent to Marketing Career Recruitment Limited processing your Personal Data please contact us in writing at rorybrennan@careerrecruitment.ie  and we will promptly remove your Personal Data from our system.

Personal Data collected/obtained by Marketing career Recruitment Limited via your email application may include categories set out in the section below.

Marketing Career Recruitment Limited collects your Personal Data through the following channels:

 Email applications
 Email enquiries
 Telephone enquiries
 Reference and background checks

4.1. The Personal Data collected includes the following:

 Your Name
 Your Email Address(es)
 Your Phone Number(s)
 Areas of professional interest
 CV attachment
 Social Media profile URL s provided within application, and/or where you have a public profile (for example LinkedIn), we may process the information available in conjunction with the information you provide directly to us
 Referral data If you provide Marketing Career Recruitment Limited with information relating to persons other than yourself, for the purpose of Marketing Career Recruitment Limited providing recruitment services, you are responsible for its accuracy and relevance, and you must have the authorisation of the relevant individual to disclose their details to us

4.2. For the purpose of the recruitment servics process we may also, but are not limited to, collect the following information.

 Education and Qualifications
 Remuneration details
 Work experience details
 Skill sets
 Interview notes in relation to your suitability for a specific role(s) and client requirements
 Photo identification
 Copy of working visa

Marketing Career Recruitment Limited may also collect Personal Data from third party sources, for verification and vetting purposes. Prior to contacting third parties, Marketing Career Recruitment Limited will gain your consent, and will contact you if seeking additional information.

For example:

 Reference information (verbal and/or written)
 Work performance related information
Information obtained during reference checks, will be passed on to a prospective employer (usually at offer of employment stage).

5. Personal Data Uses & Processing

Marketing Career Recruitment Limited is an Irish owned and run recruitment consultancy, recruiting for and placing candidates on a permanent, contract and interim basis in the field area of Marketing. We specialise in Marketing Recruitment.

5.1. Marketing Career Recruitment Limited collects stores and processes your Personal Data, for the purpose of providing you with recruitment and/or related services, including:

 Pairing your details against relevant job vacancies
 Notifying you of suitable job opportunities
 Forwarding your Personal Data to client companies, in connection with a specific job, with your consent in each case
 Submission of your Personal Data to a client in relation to general employment, but only with your consent in each case
 Allowing you to apply for specific positions with client companies
 Allowing you to revert to us on any job or market enquiries

6. Disclosure of Personal Data

Marketing Career Recruitment Limited may disclose your Personal Data to third parties, only in relation to specific recruitment services if this is deemed necessary, and only with your consent to do so.
Third parties include;
 Organisations acting on behalf of our client s, involved in supporting their HR functions (for example: outsourced HR firms and outsourced reference / background checking firms)
 Marketing Career Recruitment Limited s internal advisors (for example: professional advisors, IT consultants involved in system upgrades or issues.
 If the business structure of Marketing Career Recruitment Limited should change, for example in the event of a Sale, Merger or Joint Venture, your Personal Data may be disclosed to new or potential business owner(s) / business partner(s). In this event Marketing Carer Recruitment Limited will ensure that such third parties only processes your Personal Data in accordance with GDPR

7. The Storage and Upkeep of Personal Data

Marketing Career Recruitment Limited will make every reasonable effort to keep your Personal Data current and up-to-date. This will happen via phone calls, email and general communication in order to stay in touch and noting relevant changes to your profile. If there have been any major changes since our most recent interaction, please contact us to allow us to update our records of your Personal Data.
Marketing Career Recruitment Limited will store your Personal Data in the context of the services of a professional recruitment consultancy. If we have had no two-way communication with you about specific positions, career planning, salary levels, market intelligence, and other relevant recruitment services as outlined in this statement, for a period of 5 years, we will delete your Personal Data. As set out in 14 below, you have the right to instruct us to erase your Personal Data at any time. Marketing Career Recruitment Limited may erase your personal data at any point if we consider that we are unable to provide the recruitment services to you as described in this Privacy Policy, and as a result, there is no necessity for us to retain your Personal Data for the purposes for which it was collected.

8. Collection and Use of Technical Information

Our website does NOT use cookies; Visitors can use this website with no loss of functionality if cookies are disabled from the web browser.
Technical details in connection with visits to this website are logged by our internet service provider for our statistical purposes. No information is collected that could be used by us to identify website visitors. The technical details logged are confined to the following items:  
 The IP address of the visitor s web server
 The top-level domain name used (.ie, .com, .org, .net)
 Google analytics which shows the traffic of visitors around this website
 The type of web browser and operating system used by the website visitor

Marketing Career Recruitment Limited will make no attempt to identify individual visitors or to associate the technical details with any individual. It is the policy of Marketing Career Recruitment Limited never to disclose such technical information in respect of individual website visitors to any third party (apart from our internet service provider, which records such data on our behalf and which is bound by confidentiality provisions in this regard), unless obliged to disclose such information by a rule of law. The technical information will be used only by Marketing Career Recruitment Limited and only for statistical and other administrative purposes. You should note that technical details, which we cannot associate with any identifiable individual, do not constitute "Personal Data" for the purposes of GDPR.

For more GDPR information check out: www.dataprotection.ie  and/or www.ico.org.uk

9. IP Address

An IP address can reveal information about a visitor such as the general geographic location of the visitor or the internet provider they are using to connect to the internet. Marketing Career Recruitment Limited website does not track visitor IP addresses directly. The site uses cookies in place for basic tasks as outlined above.

10. Data Security

Password protected data will be stored both locally on our secure server (in Ireland) and in the cloud. Our systems are protected by up-to-date security measures including firewall and top of the range antivirus software to protect your data from unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.

11. Procedures Related to Data Protection

Rory Brennan participates in GDPR training to ensure compliance with current regulations. Procedures
Marketing Career Recruitment Limited has implemented strict procedures to protect your Personal Data, these include:
 Regularly updated and changed password settings for company computers and mobile devices.
 Printed paper files, if deemed necessary, will be securely kept in locked storage. All temporary paper files will be shredded weekly.
 Marketing Career Recruitment Limited premises is protected with a monitored alarm system and is securely locked.
 On receipt of an application request Marketing Career Recruitment Limited will require a GDPR opt-in/opt-out response from you. This is a legal requirement for Marketing Career Recruitment Limited to collect and process your Personal Data for the purpose of your job application.

12. Consent

By using the services of Marketing Career Recruitment Limited, your Personal Data as set out in 4.1 and 4.2 will be processed for the purposes set out in 5 above on the basis of your consent.
You have the right to withdraw your consent to Marketing Career Recruitment Limited processing your Personal Data at any time by notifying us in writing at any time on rorybrennan@careerrecruitment.ie who is Data Protection Lead. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
Marketing Career Recruitment Limited requires your Personal Data for assisting you with your job application(s), if you do not consent to Marketing Career Recruitment Limited processing your Personal Data you cannot register with Marketing Career Recruitment Limited.

13. Right of Access

You have the right to obtain from Marketing Career Recruitment Limited access to your personal data being processed by Marketing Career Recruitment Limited. You can do this by emailing rorybrennan@careerrecruitment.ie who is the Data Protection Lead for Marketing Career Recruitment Limited.
Marketing Career Recruitment Limited will always verify the identity of anyone making a Subject Access Request before handing over any information and provide the relevant data within one month of receipt of a Subject Access Request.
This will be provided free of charge in accordance with GDPR. Where your access requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, Marketing Career Recruitment Limited reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee considering the administrative costs of providing the information.
You have the right to have Marketing Career Recruitment Limited rectify any inaccurate Personal Data which Marketing Career Recruitment holds relating to you.

14. Right to erasure

Should you wish for your Personal Data to be deleted by Marketing career Recruitment Limited, you can email rorybrennan@careerrecruitment.ie  providing your name, email and contact details asking for your information to be deleted from our records.

15. Complaints

Applicants have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection commissioner if they feel there has been a data protection breach at www.dataprotection.ie

16. Contact

All comments, queries and requests relating to our use of your Personal Data are welcomed and should be addressed to rorybrennan@careerrecruitment.ie

17. Data Protection Lead

Rory Brennan
Recruiter & Selector
Marketing Career Recruitment imited
21 Northumberland Rd,
Dublin 4
D04 H2Y4
Tel: 087 9930010

Marketing Career Recruitment may freely assign or update this agreement.




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Marketing Career Recruitment. 21 Northumberland Road, Dublin  087 993 0010.

Rory Brennan MMII - over 20 years in the marketing recruitment business


 copyright 2024